@article{oai:yamagata.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001071, author = {小熊, 正久}, issue = {2}, journal = {山形大学紀要. 人文科学 = Bulletin of Yamagata University. Humanities}, month = {Feb}, note = {論文(Article), The theme of this paper is to understand the relations of Merleau-Ponty's two major works, ”the Structure of Behavior” (SB.,1938(completion)) and ”Phenomonology of Perception” (PP.,1945). According to Geraets' interpretation, after his completion of SB., the new vistas opened by the reading of Husserl challenged Merleau-Ponty and beckond him onward. But I think his interpretation did not sufficiently regard the circumstances that in the PP. Merleau-Ponty preserved the fundamental thought of SB. and that not only Husserl's works but also this thought determined his understanding of phenomenology and human body deeply. I show this in the following order. 1. Exposion of the fundamental thought of SB. (the concepts of 'integration' and 'structure'). 2. Merleau-Ponty's considarations on methodology in the end of SB. 3. His understanding of 'sensation' and 'meaning' in the ”introduction” of PP. 4. His understanding of the field of Phenomena and phenomenology in the ”introduction” of PP.}, pages = {1(320)--17(304)}, title = {メルロ=ポンティにおける現象への還帰 : 『行動の構造』から『知覚の現象学』の序論へ}, volume = {15}, year = {2003} }