@article{oai:yamagata.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000192, author = {寒河江, 理生 and 川並, 透 and 永沢, 光 and 小山, 信吾 and 木村, 英紀 and 荒若, 繁樹 and 和田, 学 and 栗田, 啓司 and 大門, 眞 and 加藤, 丈夫}, issue = {2}, journal = {山形大学紀要. 医学 : 山形医学 = Bulletin of the Yamagata University. Medical science : Yamagata medical journal}, month = {Aug}, note = {論文(Article), The prevalence of asymptomatic ischemic brain lesions among the healthy elderly is high. We present a population-based cross sectional study of 240 subjects aged 70 years old (the Takahata Study), in which we have investigated the contributions of hypertension and other cerebrovascular risk factors to silent brain infarctions (SBI) in the elderly people. Of the 240 study subjects, 217 (90.4%) had SBIs. Hypertension was not significantly associated with SBIs. Further, diabetes mellitus, hypercholesterolemia, habitual drinking or smoking were also not associated with SBIs. We concluded that aging may weaken the association of hypertension and other risk factors with asymptomatic ischemic brain lesions.}, pages = {51--58}, title = {Reduced contribution of hypertension to the risk of silent brain infarction in the elderly : a population-based study in Takahata, Japan}, volume = {28}, year = {2010} }