@article{oai:yamagata.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000198, author = {武田, 弘明 and 藤嶋, 昌一郎 and 折居, 智彦 and 福井, 忠久 and 大武, さや香 and 佐藤, 剛司 and 西瀬, 祥一 and 河田, 純男}, issue = {2}, journal = {山形大学紀要. 医学 : 山形医学 = Bulletin of the Yamagata University. Medical science : Yamagata medical journal}, month = {Aug}, note = {論文(Article), Cecal insertion is the primary step for successful colonoscopy. However, incomplete access can sometimes occur because of adhesion or rigidity of the sigmoid colon. Such difficulties cannot always be resolved even if a pediatric-type colonoscope is used. In the present study, we applied an extra-flexible thin colonoscope, the CF-SV, for patients in whom insertion was difficult. Over a period of about 30 months, 3802 colonoscopic examinations involving total insertion were attempted. During this period, complete insertion was successful with the CF-SV in 34 (79%) of 43 patients in whom insertion of a pediatric scope (PCF-240I) had failed. In addition, during the same period, 79 patients, who were thought to have risk factors for use of a regular scope, or for whom the CF-SV was considered preferable, were examined using the CF-SV from the outset. Complete insertions were successful in 61 (77%) of these patients. Our experience in this series suggests that use of the CF-SV can facilitate complete insertion even in difficult cases.}, pages = {33--38}, title = {Improvement of Cecal Insertion Using an Extra-Flexible Small-Diameter Colonoscope, CF-SV}, volume = {28}, year = {2010} }