@article{oai:yamagata.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002004, author = {菊間, 満 and 比嘉, 宏仁 and 小川, 三四郎}, issue = {2}, journal = {山形大学紀要. 農学 = Bulletin of Yamagata University. Agricultural Science}, month = {Feb}, note = {論文(Article), キーワード:森林利用,住宅供給,公共事業,沖縄県,本土復帰 The author analyzed the forest use and house supply in Okinawa pref. since Okinawa reverted to Japan in 1972 from the view point of problems of the bases of U.S. and public undertaking, and concluded as follows;. 1. Enormous public enterprise investment as a compensation for U.S. base has stndardized the sate of forest and house in Okinawa pref. more then Japanese mainland. This is the reason why the wooden house rate in Okinawa pref. occupied in the newly-establistablished houses has been in the minimum of Japan since 1972. The traditional style of habitation in Okinawa pref. has been already lost. 2. Traditional forest land use and house supply were separated and dismantled as that result. Furthermore, carpenters supplying house are almost in danger of extinction. Habitat culture which is characteristic in Okinawa pref. connecting house supply with forest is also in critical situation. 3. The follwing is necessary to reconstruct traditional forest land use and house supply. a) promotion of small management that has produced non wood forst product. b) vocational education for carpenters to conserve characteristic habitat culture. Key Words: forest use, house supply, public enterprise, Okinawa pref., reverting to Japan}, pages = {29--51}, title = {復帰30年の沖縄県の森林利用と住宅供給}, volume = {14}, year = {2003} }