@article{oai:yamagata.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002013, author = {木村, 直子 and 佐々木, みち子 and 戸津川, 清}, issue = {4}, journal = {山形大学紀要. 農学 = Bulletin of Yamagata University. Agricultural Science}, month = {Feb}, note = {論文(Article), キーワード:スナネズミ,胚,体外発生 The mongolian gerbil is an experimental model animal for epilepsy. On the purpose of improvement of culture medium for mongolian gerbil embryos, a present study was conducted to examine the development of mongolian gerbil embryos in three kinds of chemically defined mediums, KSOM, mRIECM and HECM-3. Pronuclear oocytes after in vivo or in vitro fertilization, were cultured for 96 hours in 5% CO_2 in air at 37.5℃. In all mediums, both in viro and in vitro, the fertilized embryos were blocked development to the 8 cell stage. However, the rate of development to the 3~4 cell stage in KSOM was higher than that of the mRIECM and HECM-3 (KSOM : 18.5%, mR1ECM : 0%, HECM-3 : 7.9%). These results suggest that KSOM is the more appropriate medium in the three kinds of mediums. Furthermore, we should improve further the medium base on KSOM, for culture of mongolian gerbil embryos. Key words:mongolian gerbil, embryo, in vitro development}, pages = {195--200}, title = {無血清培地を用いたスナネズミ胚の体外発生}, volume = {14}, year = {2005} }