@article{oai:yamagata.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003159, author = {Sakayama, Hidetoshi and Miyaji, Kazuyuki and Nagumo, Tamotsu and Kato, Masahiro and Hara, Yoshiaki and Nozaki, Hisayoshi}, issue = {12}, journal = {山形大学理学部裏磐梯湖沼実験所報 = Faculty of Science, Yamagata University Urabandai Limnological Report}, month = {Mar}, note = {論文(Article)}, pages = {26--41}, title = {Taxonomic reexamination of 17 species of Nitella subgenus Tieffallenia (Charales, Charophyceae) based on internal morphology of the oospore wall and multiple DNA marker sequences}, year = {2005} }