@article{oai:yamagata.repo.nii.ac.jp:00004075, author = {松田, 陽子 and 石渡, 俊行 and 関, 敦子 and 野中, 敬介 and 相田, 順子 and 田久保, 海誉 and 木村, 理 and 新井, 冨生}, issue = {2}, journal = {山形大学紀要. 医学 : 山形医学, Bulletin of the Yamagata University. Medical science : Yamagata medical journal}, month = {Aug}, note = {論文(Article), Background: Local tumor growth and tumor size are key factors that determine the prognosis of patients with pancreatic cancers. In the present study, we measured the the greatest and smallest diameters of the pancreas to clarify the largest pancreatic ductal adenocarcinomas that can be confined to the pancreas. Materials and Methods: Pancreatic tissues obtained from 10 autopsied patients were cut into 5-mm sections vertical to the main pancreatic duct. Each slice was processed for microscopic examination and was captured using a virtual slide scanner. We measured the greatest diameter of the pancreas in each slide. Results: The average greatest diameters of the pancreatic body and tail were less than 2 cm in 2 cases for the pancreatic body and 5 cases for the pancreatic tail. All cases contained slides for which the greatest pancreatic diameter measured less than 2 cm, with 5 cases for the pancreatic head and body and 9 cases for the pancreatic tail. The average smallest diameters of the pancreatic head, body, and tail were less than 2 cm for all cases, and there were 3 cases in which they were less than 1 cm. Conclusion: Our study, which evaluated the entire pancreatic parenchyma from autopsy tissues, revealed that the pancreas has many areas where diameters are less than 2 cm, suggesting that most 2 cm tumors cannot be limited to the pancreas.}, pages = {37--41}, title = {Do 2-cm pancreatic tumors localize in the pancreas? Analysis of the greatest and smallest diameter of the autopsied pancreas}, volume = {34}, year = {2016} }